Saturday, November 17, 2012

Miss Bean at Near 3

I've been suffering from some slight block. I have so much to share but between drafting, deleting, filtering and curbing some thoughts - it's hard to get a feel of the wheel turning smoothly so that what I share is conveyed the way it should be. My Bean at almost 3 years old is challenging as ever and oh so edible still. I watch her silly ways and laugh to tears, I watch her meltdown-y kind of tantrums and at times wish to throw one down with her. Most of all, I wonder to myself often, how can I be better, how can I give her everything she deserves, what can I do for her to make her grow into exactly what she is now - compassionate, emphatic, happy, jovial, pure, full of spunk, full of smiles, affection, and just ever so happy for the simplest things in life. How can I repay this little girl for teaching me things I would not have learned any other way? How can I give back to her so much of what she has given me?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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