Thursday, February 25, 2010

Speaking of

aging (ahem).... I think Auntie Lisa is ready to have one of her own baby bundles!

Quite frankly, I think ALL of my friends should be working to give Squirmy more friends. What exactly are you guys waiting for!?!? Hurry it up, please, thankyouverymuch. And yes, I've got a really cheesy grin plastered on my face as I am typing this.


  1. you are SUPER special!!! and I mean... SUPERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR special!!!!!!!!!

  2. Waiting to get married first! hahahah!~

  3. Lisa, don't you just want to eat her up!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. You can't eat her. She's only mine to chew on. If you had your own, you can eat her instead! (or him...)
